Do you need a credit that isn't offered at Elmvale District High School? Do you want to "reach ahead" and earn a credit this summer or in the evenings?
The SCDSB Learning Centre offers credits through both summer and night school, speak to your guidance counselor and click on the link to learn more: Summer/Night School
Are you a grade 12 student who plans on going to college? Would you like to try out the college experience now?
EDHS has a partnership with Georgian College allowing you to take a college credit while in high school. If selected, you will travel to Georgian College once a week and attend a course taught by a college professor. The classroom will only have high school students in it and there will also be a high school teacher there to assist with the learning process. If successful, you will earn a college credit AND a high school credit! Past courses have included: criminology, psychology, leadership, welding, personal finance, and more!
See Mrs. Burke in student services to learn more and apply.