Medical Forms and Concussion Protocol
Medical Forms
A completed Student Medical Form
(FORM A1420-1 attached) is required each school year, or when a medical
need is identified, or when the student transfers to another school, or when the medication
and/or dosage requirements change.
Specific to asthma, every student is now permitted to carry his or her
asthma medication if the student has his or her parent’s or guardian’s
Parents/guardians and adult students are responsible for ensuring that a
current, completed Student Medical Form is on file at the school.
FORM A1420 - 01 Student Medical Form.pdf
FORM A1420 - 06 Plan of Care Anaphylaxis.pdf
FORM A1420 - 07 Plan of Care Asthma.pdf
FORM A1420 - 08 Plan of Care Diabetes.pdf
FORM A1420 - 09 Plan of Care Epilepsy.pdf
If your son/daughter sustains a concussion - please alert the Main Office. We will alert their teachers, guidance counselor and Vice Principal. Please print the Concussion forms and have your medical practitioner fill out the assessment form / clearance form. Bring the completed copy to the main office or email to [email protected].
A7216 - Student Concussion Protocol.pdf
FORM A7216 - 01 Medical Concussion Assessment Form.pdf
FORM A7216 - 02 Management Plan for Return to School and Return to Physical Activity Plan.pdf
FORM A7216 - 03 Concussion Medical Clearance Form.pdf